
Kimtech Science* 34256 Kimwipes* EX-L, delicate task wipers, 1 ply, 140 sheets per pop-up* box

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  • Harga tersebut adalah harga per Case.
  • 1 Case = 15 Boxes, 1 Box = 140 Sheets
  • Harga belum termasuk PPN 10%
  • Ready Stock Gudang ONEBIZ.id
  • Estimasi waktu pengiriman Jabodetabek 2-3 hari kerja
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Jual Kimtech Science* 34256 Kimwipes* EX-L, delicate task wipers, 1 ply, 140 sheets per pop-up* box

Deskripsi Produk : Jual Kimtech Science* 34256 Kimwipes* EX-L, delicate task wipers, 1 ply, 140 sheets per pop-up* box

KIMTECH SCIENCE* KIMWIPES* Delicate Task Wipers are designed specifically for critical environments. These wipers are soft and non-abrasive, safe for most delicate surfaces and easily wipe up liquid and dust. Low level of lint makes them ideal for use on delicate parts and instruments such as electrical and electronic equipment, optical products and laboratory equipment.

Wipes easily wipe up liquids, dust and tiny particles and are designed for delicate tasks.
POP-UP Box delivers one-at-a-time dispensing for minimized waste.
Anti-static dispensing system reduces lint and electrostatic discharge (for sensitive environments like labs).
Useful for polishing glassware, cleaning laboratory instruments and other delicate surfaces.
Key Features:
• Absorbent and low lint
• Soft on delicate surfaces
• Controlled single sheet dispensing
• Low in extractables

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SKU: SD 07-0800-Case Kategori: ,
Berat 9 kg
Dimensi 16 × 12 × 39 cm

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